Artist Series

Joe Garston Artist Series Q&A

Joe Garston Artist Series Q&A

Joe Garston Artist Series Q&A with Audiotent.

Hey Joe, thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to do an interview with us. How are you today?
Hey guys, No problem at all. Thank You for reaching out with your questions! I'm feeling good and ready to roll.
We saw your latest EP “Vision” reached #17 on the Beatport Electro House Chart. It must be really amazing to know your music is being so well received?
Yes, The response to "Vision" was brilliant. I'm super proud of that EP. It's my highest charting position in a while. So it's nice to see my listeners are still enjoying the music and the directions I take sonically & most importantly, Supporting my artistic (excuse the pun) "vision" by grabbing a copy!
You have such a unique, progressive and captivating sound. Where does that inspiration come from?

It's hard to pinpoint the exact source of inspiration. But my sound can be inspired from almost anything. A Sunny warm day, A cold winter night, Other music, Film & Tv, Art. Although the source may change, the original concept of melody and harmony is the basis of my sound.
Towards the end of 2015, you decided to start your own label called “Forever.” This is a giant step for any producer/DJ. What was the main reason for doing this and what can we expect to hear over the next 12 months?
Originally, it was a going to be a place for myself to release my own music on a regular basis, With full control of artistic direction. I thought a label would be a great place for not only myself but for some of the talents that have sent me their stuff through facebook or Soundcloud etc.. A lot of the time, the tracks sent to me would never see an official release. My label could help give them that little extra push in the business. The label has already signed and released some amazing talent throughout 2016. The next 12 months should be really exciting for "Forever"
Joe Garston Artist Series Q&A
How do you know when the track is done and ready to be released?
It can be a long tough process, sometimes tracks are never ready. They go through numerous versions and arrangement changes but still never feel "Finished." Most of the time, though, If I'm coming to the end/outro of the arrangement, it's a good sign that it's almost done and ready to be exported and sent off for release.
Your melodies are harmonies are always a very strong part of your productions. Could you give our readers a few tips on how you achieve these?
As I mentioned above briefly, my music is based on melody and harmony. Trying to pack as much as I can within a small melody, emotion, feelings and most importantly, energy. My melodies are often just 8 bars of music. The energy is vital to carry the music for a few minutes. I've always loved how a melody or chord can make you feel different. Melodic music within any genre is a great source of inspiration.
If there was one artist you could collaborate with who would it be?
Ahh, such a tough question. I don't think I can pick just one! I'm trying to think of somebody who would compliment my sound and my taste nicely. I'm thinking, Aphex Twin, Helios, Tycho, Boards of Canada, The Chemical Brothers.
What does a typical day in the world of Joe Garston look like?
A typical day involves a lot of musically related nonsense, and of course, a lot of sitting down. I try to squeeze in some new sound design each day or as often as I can. Something to use in a new track maybe or for a future project. It tends to keeps things fresh when starting something new.
What does 2017 have in store for you?
2017 is really exciting for me now that I have a label to run as well as being Joe Garston. Lots more music, Expect a range of different styles from myself. "Forever" has some amazing releases and a few EP's on the horizon. T-Shirts, Free Downloads and maybe even a podcast!
Joe Garston Artist Series Q&A
Thanks so much for creating the preset pack for us. What was your main reason for choosing Sylenth1 for the pack?
Thank You for your interest in my sound! I've used Sylenth1 for so long, it's in all of my music, It is essentially the source for the true Joe Garston sound. I love the durability and power to create such beautiful warm sounds as well as harsh dark tones.
One last question, what is your desert island plugin or piece of hardware?
I recently got my hands on a KORG Minilogue, It's breathtakingly good. I've been including it in my recent works including the "Vision" EP & lots of upcoming stuff. I could happily spend hours upon hours on my desert island with it. Creating a soundtrack for my stay!
Joe, thanks for taking time out of your hectic schedule to chat with us. If any of our readers have any further questions for Joe, please drop them in the comments below.

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