Production Tips

One of the most common mixing mistakes and how to fix it

One of the most common mixing mistakes and how to fix it

#AudiotentTip 106. Processing in solo.When processing individual channels it's very tempting to work with the track being solo'd, however this is not always best practice. Always listen to how the ...

eqUsing low pass EQ

Using low pass EQ

#AudiotentTip 103. Low Pass EQ.Removing any unnecessary sub frequency rumble from elements that don't need it seems like common advise. This works great for creating space in the mix for your kick ...

bassOur 5 best tips for processing synth bass

Our 5 best tips for processing synth bass

#AudiotentTip 96. Our 5 Best Tips for Processing Synth Bass. Getting your synth bass sounding just the way you want is only the first step. Next, you have to fit it in your mix. In some cases, it m...

depthEQ Tip

EQ Tip

#AudiotentTip 41. EQ Tip.Cut the higher frequencies to push the sound away, boost them - to bring up front.

eqExtreme EQ Curves

Extreme EQ Curves

#AudiotentTip 36. Extreme EQ curves.If you find yourself maxing out on your equaliser bands, it’s likely that something is wrong with your sound. Try replacing it to avoid filtering and phase probl...

eqHow To Fit Reverb Into The Mix

How To Fit Reverb Into The Mix

#AudiotentTip 030. Fitting the reverb in the mix.If the reverb is not used as an obvious effect, it should generally sit very low in the mix. This way your transients are clearer and the overall tr...

eqKick Sub Frequencies

Kick Sub Frequencies

#AudiotentTip 028. Kick - Sub frequencies.The faster your track is, the less sub frequencies you will need on the kick drum. Try either high passing it around 30-50Hz, or make it shorter.

bandwidthWide EQ Bandwidth

Wide EQ Bandwidth

#AudiotentTip 027. Wide EQ bandwidth.Try extending the bandwidth of the eq boost to it’s maximum. Keeping the boost small and wide usually sounds more natural.

eqHigh Pass Filter - Help Create Room For Your Kick

High Pass Filter - Help Create Room For Your Kick

#AudiotentTip 026. High pass filter.Apply a high pass filter to your non-bass instruments. This will create room for your kick and bass, making them stand out in the mix.

eqLow Pass EQ

Low Pass EQ

#AudiotentTip 103. Low Pass EQ.Removing any unnecessary sub frequency rumble from elements that don't need it seems like common advise. This works great for creating space in the mix for your kick ...