Audiotent Tip 397. Parallel Exciter.Here's a little trick to add some colour and grit to your sound.First, create an AUX channel and add your favourite exciter plugin. Push this processor quite hot...
Audiotent Tip 376. Bass Exciter.If your bass feels slightly muddy or undefined in the mix, try adding a subtle exciter to enhance the upper harmonics.This technique can often bring the bass more up...
Audiotent Tip 341. Getting Rid Of The Mud.Here are three techniques to decrease the muddy, cloudy or boxy frequencies in your sound.1) Eq cut. Most often, what seems to be a big problem can be solv...
Adding glue to a group using an exciter plugin
#AudiotentTip 218. Exciter on a group.If you are trying to 'glue' different instruments or sounds together, try grouping them on a bus channel. E.g. send individual drum hits; kick, snare, hats ...
#AudiotentTip 117. Stereo Width.Try out this technique to enhance the stereo width of your track/bus/master. First, insert a harmonic exciter plugin with Mid-Side capability. One of our personal fa...
Adding Harmonics with Exciters
#AudiotentTip 81. Exciter.For a harsh sound, apply tape saturation to shelve high frequencies, then re-introduce pleasing high harmonics via exciters such as Waves Apex Aural Exciter or iZotope Ozo...