Production Tips

Avoiding Clipping

Avoiding Clipping

#AudiotentTip 308. Avoiding Clipping.Clipping your plugins can often leave you with undesired artefacts. Make sure you gain stage your signal for optimum results.

gain stagingGain Staging With A Trim Plugin

Gain Staging With A Trim Plugin

#AudiotentTip 201. Trim Plugin.Often very underrated, a trim plugin is an essential tool for gain staging your signal flow.A great example of a trim plugin is the Slate Digital LLC Trimmer for the ...

gain stagingGain staging in your DAW software

Gain staging in your DAW software

#AudiotentTip 151. Gain Staging.Each plugin has it's sweet spot. Make sure you properly adjust the gain before and after each plugin processor to operate in optimum levels. A great tool for this is...

gain stagingImportance of Gain Staging

Importance of Gain Staging

#AudiotetntTip 61. Gain Staging.Each plugin has it's 'sweet-spot', make sure to check the signal levels at input and output stages of every plugin you add.